They can be used in place of regular eggs in any recipe, but add a unique depth of flavor that cant be matched. These eggs were laid by lovingly tended quail from Sweet Reasons Farm in North Carolina. They have a more distinct flavour than chicken eggs. Quail eggs are as delicious as they are nutritious. Quail eggs are much smaller than your average chicken egg, weighing about 9 grams while a (large) chicken egg weights about 50 grams. Varieties include: Pharaoh (regular & giant) Texas A&M (regular & giant) Manchurian Golden Tibetan Cinnamon English Silver Tuxedo We ship fertile eggs via USPS Priority Mail throughout the United States. Japanese Quail are an efficient producer of eggs which we sell to the NZ market.Quail eggs are very flavoursome and considered a delicacy in many countries. The small size and delicate nature make them a perfect appetizer for parties and catering events, while the rich flavor greatly adds to favorites like egg salad. Fertile Quail Eggs Live birds and fertile eggs are both available for purchase at WoodBottom Quail Farms. Add raw shelled or unshelled quail eggs to your pets dish as a daily meal addition or special treat.

We also offer some unique options like super jumbo, which are larger than regular jumbo, and mixed double yolk, which have a high probability of having 2 yolks per egg. We offer standard sizes including large, extra large, and jumbo, in both white and brown. Quail eggs can be used the exact same way you would cook with chicken eggs. Goffle Poultry offers a wide variety of chicken eggs, as well as duck and quail eggs. Our 8,000 square ft facility is clean, organized, and streamlined to help us produce the best bobwhites available. Our quail farm is situated on 122 acres of quiet, open grasslands in Wesley, Texas. Quail eggs are considered a delicacy in many countries, including western Europe and North America. Quail Covey Run is a dedicated provider of flight-conditioned quail, quail eggs, transport cages, and offer a variety of services.Quail eggs improve digestion, immune system function, and detoxification.Quail eggs are known to prevent the symptoms of associated with allergies, hay fever, and sinusitus.Quail eggs contain 5 times the iron and potassium of chicken eggs.Quail eggs contain 3 to 4 times the nutritional value of regular chicken eggs. We raise Coturnix Quails for the production of fresh and hatching quail eggs, As farmers, we established our family business in Florida.Quail eggs are a delicious, nutritious treat that can be utilized in a number of ways from breakfast to appetizers to dessert! While considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, many people are discovering the immense health benefits of quail eggs – and the incredible flavor. Shop Manchester Farms Fresh Quail Eggs - 15 Count from Jewel-Osco.